Class 1 NSO preparation guide
Class 1 NSO preparation guide of Olympiadtester has online mock tests, sample papers, previous year Class 1 NSO question papers with solutions, pdf worksheets and higher order thinking question bank. The sample questions are as per the syllabus and exam pattern laid down by Science Olympiad foundation (SOF).
Class 1 NSO made easy
Class 1 NSO Sample papers, online mock tests, chapter-wise tests and other preparation material of Olympiadtester will help you excel at the exam with ease and confidence.
Class 1 NSO chapter-wise sample questions cover the folowing chapters as per the syllabus - Living and Non-living things, Plants, Animals, Human Beings and Their Needs, Good Habits and Safety Rules, Air and Water, Weather and The Sky.
Class 1 NSO Online sample tests
Class 1 Olympiad courses